Changing Cultures Magazine

How will we live tomorrow?


Europa Bendig about the reason why it will be highly important over the next few years for managers to leverage new narratives and keep the 'campfires' going as the working world moves further toward and into our digital future.


5 Questions for Olivia Alicja Chylinski about future trends in the design and architecture branch.


Especially in times of change like these, when there is no map and it’s all about all trial and error, managers are needed who have positive attitudes toward people and the future.


In our consumer studies we have observed a highly interesting new connection between people’s desire for healthier living and a desire to live more in tune with the environment.


Rediscovering our relationship with nature. Nature is more than an accumulation of resources. The quantification of nature, our constant compulsion to increase, leads to an artificial separation from our environment.


How the meaning of Black Friday is changing: evidence of a cultural shift towards a more sustainable consumer society.


Climate Fiction - or the power of stories from the future. From the comfort of our living room, we listen to international science fiction authors and their fiction about climate change.


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