Forestry for Future
Rediscovering our relationship with nature. Nature is more than an accumulation of resources. The quantification of nature, our constant compulsion to increase, leads to an artificial separation from our environment.
Black Friday & our relation to nature
How the meaning of Black Friday is changing: evidence of a cultural shift towards a more sustainable consumer society.
Stories of the future
Climate Fiction - or the power of stories from the future. From the comfort of our living room, we listen to international science fiction authors and their fiction about climate change.
Circular Economy
Planet Earth is in an era of natural crises. There is a growing sense that we are living in unprecedented times, and that this situation has been caused by the relentless scale and force of human economic activity.
How much purpose is enough?
Profit AND Purpose. Can you really have both? About the influence of lead users in the case of Oatly.
Near Distancing
The value of every brand and business can be measured in how helpful it is to its customers, in short, its customer relevance. Learn more about strengthening customer relationships.
Sharing without caring
Today’s car-sharing industry is far from being human-centric as it is flawed by the shortcomings of a non-sustainable business model that does not genuinely embrace the principles of the sharing economy. Read more about creating solutions that are meaningful for a preferable future.
Kitchens of the future of millennials
Millennials have their own ideas about what a kitchen should look like, what it can perform, and what you can do in it. We were hired by a major manufacturer of kitchen appliances to go in search of the kitchen of the future.
The Sound of (Online) Silence
It's not an entirely new phenomenon generally, like when you say something to somebody and know they heard you but there's no reply, just a wall of silence.
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