Changing Cultures Magazine

How will we live tomorrow?


5 questions to Endrik Hasemann about urbanization, digitalization, behavior change and new narratives around beauty.


What if it were possible to combine sustainability and profitability? The rise of niche brands as a lever for sustainable business.


How do we work with ethnography? STURMundDRANG explains our methods for decoding human behavior.


Our international network of experts and innovators as well as the precise recruitment of lead users and specialists is one of the central success factors.


In our consumption trend research, we track virulent currents that emerge as new relevant behaviors and attitudes. In the patterns of sociocultural signals, we identify the motivations, hopes, and fears that pervade our society.


In the business world, rational decision-making and compelling argumentation are valued and the goal is to make numbers bigger and bigger. How can companies and brands benefit from consumer irrationality?


Image scientist Simon Bieling took a look at Instagram to see how we define driving pleasure today and used the results to develop five theses on the future of the car.


An icon of youth and street culture that is likewise now emblematic of Silicon Valley. They are popular as both workwear and sportswear, protecting against cold and wind. What is it all about?


We ask food collective Nonfood who just launched the prototype of a new kind of nutrition bar about the future of food, nature, and technology.


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