The Future of the Male Gaze is Female
Have you recently watched 'Oppenheimer'? But did you also notice that the movie did not pass the 'Bechdel Test'? This brings to light the broader issue of the male gaze in film, a topic we delved into in our latest article.
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Art
With the emergence of AI art places, exhibitions and auctions the question can be raised whether this is done to follow a contemporary trend or if it is viewed as a new form of creativity. What is sustainably shifting in the art world right now?
The Future is Fungi
The futurist & brand strategist Katharina KiƩck about the magic of mushrooms. So let's look at some of the companies that are utilizing the power of mushrooms to create innovative products that are sustainable and sexy.
Loneliness and Acceptance of Failure
Millennial loneliness is a phenomenon bound up with ideals of self-realization and competitiveness. Thus to address issues of loneliness, the usually taboo topic of failure must be put on the table for discussion as well.
Forestry for Future
Rediscovering our relationship with nature. Nature is more than an accumulation of resources. The quantification of nature, our constant compulsion to increase, leads to an artificial separation from our environment.
Black Friday & our relation to nature
How the meaning of Black Friday is changing: evidence of a cultural shift towards a more sustainable consumer society.
Stories of the future
Climate Fiction - or the power of stories from the future. From the comfort of our living room, we listen to international science fiction authors and their fiction about climate change.
Circular Economy
Planet Earth is in an era of natural crises. There is a growing sense that we are living in unprecedented times, and that this situation has been caused by the relentless scale and force of human economic activity.
Kitchens of the future of millennials
Millennials have their own ideas about what a kitchen should look like, what it can perform, and what you can do in it. We were hired by a major manufacturer of kitchen appliances to go in search of the kitchen of the future.